
Chemical Testing Food Testing

The nutrition and safety of processed and finished food products for human consumption are dependent on reliable Food Testing to ensure high-quality, contaminant-free and well-monitored processing and manufacturing.  Testing food products provides valuable information on the food’s nutritional content, identifies the presence of any pesticides, contaminants, toxins or poisons, and guides techniques for improving food production and food quality.

Alhoty  provides high quality food testing services for all aspects of food quality and safety.  Alhoty’s food testing offers valuable information for food processors and packers, restaurants and distributions companies to identify and prevent conditions that may result in food contamination, food recalls or other food-related risks.

Customers can be rest assured that their food is safe for consumption and of the highest quality with Alhoty’s stringent food testing services that includes:

  • Physical Testing – Moisture, Ash, Crude Fiber, and Other Base Contents
  • Chemical Testing – Protein, Sugars, Starches, Cholesterol, Fat, Free Fatty Acid and Other Micro-and Macro-nutrients
  • Microbiology Testing – E. Coli, Salmonella, Listeria and Other Pathogens
  • Contaminant Testing – Heavy Metals, Aflatoxins, Pesticides and Other Contaminants

Alhoty specializes in providing the highest standards for food testing to ensure the quality and safety of food from source to shelf.  We provide food testing for an extensive range of products including:

  • Packaged Drinking Water
  • Packaged Ice and Ice Systems
  • Frozen, cooked and other Prepared foods
  • Seafood and meats
  • Packaged Shelf-Stable, Refrigerated and frozen foods
  • Fruits & Vegetables
  • Bakery Products
  • Animal Feed