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View testsGeotechnical Investigation (On shore and off shore)
Onshore Geotechnical investigations are carried out to provide optimum foundation solutions for construction projects of industrial, oil, gas plants, power plant projects, multi-storey towers, residential villas, shopping malls, investigations in landfill areas, groundwater monitoring, Oil, water pipelines, Underground & overhead storage tanks, roads, bridges, tunnels, Airports, LNG terminals.
Offshore Geotechnical investigations are carried out for reclamation projects, constructions of oil, gas pipelines, jetties & other marine structures, ports.
Approved and certified marine equipment such as jackup barges, spud barges, pontoons, tug boats, speed boats, service boats, survey vessels are used based on the requirements.
Al Hoty offers the following Geotechnical Investigation services in both onshore & Offshore environments
- Drilling of boreholes
- Cable tool percussion
- Rotary drilling
- Rotary coring
- Percussion Diagraphy boring (PDB)
- Cavity Probing
- Trial pits
- Inspection pits for services
- Geotechnical trial pits
- Time and motion pits
- Slit trenches
- Collection of Samples
- Split spoon samples
- Disturbed samples
- Undisturbed samples
- Piston samples
- Window samples
- Rock cores
- Vibro coring
- Grab sampling
- Seabed sampling
- Groundwater sampling
- Borehole logging
- Physical and Chemical Laboratory tests on soil / rock
- Preparation of Geotechnical Reporting
- Desk studies
- Factual reporting
- Interpretative reporting including recommendations on
- shallow and pile foundations
- excavations and fills
- Ground improvement
- Suitability of soil
- Groundwater control and Dewatering
- Concrete mix and protection etc.
- Reports provided in the form of hard copies, soft copies, ags data formats.